Tolson Center Expectations

Member Times in the Center By Age:

  • Children in grades Kindergarten (K) through Sixth Grade (6) have time in the building Monday-Friday from 2pm-5pm. This is for children who are not in a registered program.
  • Middle School and High School Kids have open gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5pm-7:45pm. This is for youth who are not in a registered program.
  • Adults Only (18+) open gym is on Tuesday and Thursday (5pm-8pm). This is for adults not in a registered program.
  • Children/Youth who are accompanied by an adult at all times can be in the center during all operating hours.
  • Children/Youth who are registered for a program with an instructor or facilitator can be in the center during operating hours.

Behavior with children and adults in the center is expected to happen and staff have been trained on the following procedures to handle behavior challenges in the center. Please click here to review the presentation that highlights Tolson Center Expectation Guide. 

Please feel free to print this presentation off and share it with your child(ren) and family members under your account. You can also read the expectations here.

We ask that parents, guardians, and adults work with us as we ensure our members are safe, feel welcomed, and have a great experience inside Tolson! We enjoy seeing our members daily and continue to add new programming to meet different interest needs.